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Tyler Perry Doesn’t Care What You Think
A few days ago, Tyler Perry posted an Instagram photo of a table full of scripts from his various shows…with the caption, “Work ethic…no writer’s room.” Black Twitter, Ashy Hotep Twitter, and Bitter Betty Twitter lost their shit!
Black Twitter was salty because they are better writers, and so magically Tyler should offer them a job to come write for him.
Ashy Hotep Twitter used this as an opportunity to lace their comments with good old fashioned homophobia and toxic masculinity, as they questioned his sexuality, his manhood, and anything else to prove they are the men that everyone knows them to be.
Bitter Betty Twitter is comprised of your faux feminists, who like Ashy Hotep Twitter, will use any opportunity to shit on the opposite gender in the name of “critique” and “Black consciousness”.
I have a message for all of you, whichever segment of Twitter that you belong: Tyler doesn’t care! And to quote his most infamous character, Madea, “I’m going to say it three times: one for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Ghost, Tyler doesn’t care, Tyler doesn’t care, Tyler doesn’t care.” Have you received it yet?
The next day after receiving the backlash in the form of various thinkpieces and Twitter rants, he posted another pic, with the tag Writer’s Room, which showed him in an immaculate library/study type room, which was larger than most people’s one bedroom apartments, him seated in a chair with his laptop, and his shoes off!